Privacy policy

This policy describes when and how Viking processes your personal information. By “personal information” we mean any piece of information that can identify you as a person.


In this privacy policy, we want to inform you how and why we are processing personal information about you when you visit our website.

Usage of personal information has to be in accordance with GDPR and local legislation. We, as responsible for this data processing, are doing this in accordance with the above-mentioned legislation.

Data Protection Officer and business contact information

Business contact information

Data Protection Officer

  • Name: Marius Bruu
  • Email:

What personal information we collect

Depending on what information you give us, and how you use our services, and what permissions you give us, we may collect the following information about you:

As a visitor to this website:

  • Which pages you visit and what functions you use
  • Operating system and operating system version
  • IP-address (in an anonymized version)
  • Device (PC, mobile phone or tablet)
  • Browser and browser version
  • Device brand
  • Device model
  • Device name
  • Screen size
  • City

When you contact us directly:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Type of contact
  • Message information
  • Source of message

Job applicants:

In a situation where you apply for a job with our company, we store all information related to considering your application fairly. This is based on our justified interest in considering you fairly and documenting the hiring process. It is voluntary to give us such information. The information you provide, will have an impact on your application consideration. We store this information for up to 6 months after the application process is complete.

We never intentionally save sensitive personal information, such as information about your health, political sympathies, sexual orientation or similar. We ask that you never give us this kind of information.

What we use your information for

We use your information for the following purposes:

  • Optimized website: We use your information to improve our website to give you a better user experience when visiting.
  • Customer service: We store your information if you contact us, in order to follow you up appropriately with your request.
  • Statistics: We collect and analyze statistics, map market trends and use this information to further improve our products, services, marketing and website. But this is only done with anonymous data, and does not happen with information that can identify you as an individual.

Who we share your information with

We do not, and will never, sell your information to a third party. We only share personal information with your insurance company to process your request effectively. We use Fathom Analytics on our website. Fathom does not store cookies, and follows the GDPR, ePrivacy (including PECR), COPPA and CCPA directives. Your IP address is only stored very temporarily, then deleted. We have no way to identify you as an individual through Fathom. We never send personal information to Fathom, and we use Fathom to understand your use of the website. This is in accordance with GDPR article 6(1)(f).

International data transfer

Transfer of personal information to third parties or data processors outside of the EU/EEA should only happen with the appropriate data protection, in accordance with EU standards, with a US Privacy Shield certification. These mechanisms can be read about further on the website of Datatilsynet. For all third party suppliers, we only transfer data that cannot identify you as an individual outside the EU/EEA.

How long we store your personal information

We store information about you for as long as needed to complete the task we collected it for, or for as long as we are required by law to store the relevant data. Your information is deleted or anonymised when we no longer require them for their original purpose. Below is a overview of the time frame for particular situations:

  • We store email and form data sent to us for up to 12 months, unless you register as our customer.

Your rights:

You have the right to ask us to:

  • Give you more details on how we process your personal information.
  • Give you a copy of the information we hold about you.
  • Update your information.
  • Delete information we no longer have permission to hold.
  • Limit or stop the processing of your personal information.
  • Refuse automatic processing, including profiling.
  • Give you information you have sent us in a structured, easy to access format, or transfer the information to another company for you.
  • Withdraw any consent you have given us regarding storage of your personal data.

Please be aware that there are limitations in these rights. Feel free to contact us if you require more information about these limitations.

If you think our processing of your personal information is not in accordance with relevant laws, you have the right to complain to Datatilsynet. Before you do this, please contact us so that we can make sure all your concerns and questions are answered first.

Changes in this privacy policy:

We update this privacy policy whenever we see a need to do so. You will always find information regarding the last date we changed it on this page. This privacy policy was last updated: 18.03.2024

Information regarding cookies:

Cookies are small data packets that are stored on your device whenever you open a website. Cookies are used to give you a good user experience on our website, and in marketing.

Most modern browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can choose yourself, by changing the settings in your browser, or rejecting cookies when you first visit our website.

You can see more information about which Cookies we utilise here: